mardi 14 novembre 2017

New Review to canon 700d

The Canon EOS 700D, known as the Kiss X7i in Japan or as the Rebel T5i in the Americas, is an 18.0 megapixels digital single-lens reflex camera made by Canon. It was announced on March 21, 2013 with a suggested retail price of US$849. As a part of the Canon EOS three-digit/Rebel digital line, it is the successor to the EOS 650D/Kiss X6i/Rebel T4i and is the predecessor of both the EOS 750D/Kiss X8i/Rebel T6i and EOS 760D/EOS 8000D/Rebel T6s.

Product Details:

Price (RRP):$689 

Megapixels: 18                                          

Video Quality: Full HD

Built-In Flash: Yes

Height: 99.8mm



Weight: 525g

Wi-Fi: No



Replaced By: Canon 750D

samedi 22 juillet 2017

Ubuntu 32bits

It is always useful to have a light operating system with many features like Xubuntu 32bits. This is a Ubuntude family's Linux platform.

Xubuntu 32bits has a file explorer displayed in contextual mode. Access to the different directories is done by means of a selection or by means of the control console in the system terminal.

This program contains many topics in its resources. Its graphical interface can be customized according to the wishes of the user. The latter is allowed to import an image from its personal folders to be defined as wallpaper. Various word processing tools are integrated in Xubuntu 32bits. The set can edit different types of digital documents such as text files, spreadsheets and presentations. It is possible to create multiple accounts on the same machine with this system. Individual users will have their own credentials and a personal location to store their sensitive data.
It is a free program whose source code can be reprogrammed and redistributed. Xubuntu 32bits also supports the processing of multimedia files.


Il existe en effet beaucoup de systèmes d'exploitation. Votre choix s'est basé sur ce que disent les autres. Etablissez vous-même votre choix car c'est à vous de dire ce qui est bon pour vous. Ubuntu est un système d'exploitation fiable dont le noyau central est Linux.

Principales fonctionnalités :
Navigateur internet : Les attentes sont dorénavant révolues car vous n'aurez plus à supporter la lenteur de la connexion. Le système intègre deux navigateurs par défaut, dont notamment : Ubuntu et Firefox facilitant l'accès internet.
Office : Pareillement à d'autres systèmes, Ubuntu permet de lire tous les types de documents office. Ubuntu se démarque en utilisant l'alternative de Microsoft Office, LibreOffice le fork de Apache OpenOffice qui permet de traiter les fichiers de formats word, excel et Powerpoint.
Multimédia : A part cela, le logiciel gère tous les fichiers multimédias incluant les vidéos, les musiques, les photos. Ubuntu comprend plusieurs applications gratuites permettant la conversion, l'édition ainsi que la lecture.
Centre de logiciel : Par ailleurs, il faut aussi noter que le logiciel intègre des milliers de programmes concernant différents thèmes comme les jeux, le graphisme, les sons et les vidéos, l'Internet, l'éducation, etc.
Sécurité : Ubuntu adopte un système de sécurité efficace. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous sentir confiant par rapport à la sécurité de votre système d'exploitation. Cela est valable tant pour vos dossiers internes que pour le contenu de vos mails.

Plus :
Le système d'exploitation est entièrement gratuit.
Vous pourrez bénéficier d'upgrade gratuit.

Moins :
Il peut parfois y avoir quelques soucis lors des partitionnements.
Le système est lourd.

Nintendo Switch Online est disponible

Pour utiliser les fonctionnalités de chat vocal et d’invitations de la Nintendo Switch, l’application officielle est déjà disponibles sur les stores de téléchargement. Et c’est gratuit, pour le moment…

D’ici au lancement officiel de Nintendo Switch Online début 2018, les joueurs peuvent télécharger l'application gratuitement sous iOS comme sous Android. Après la sortie officielle du service en ligne, l’utilisation de l’appli sera verrouillée pour les non-abonnés.

L’application Nintendo Switch Online a été mise en ligne pour le lancement de Splatoon 2. Elle permet aux joueurs de se connecter avec leur compte à SplatNet 2. Sur cette plateforme en ligne, ils peuvent retrouver leurs statistiques de jeu et différents classements. L’application permet également d’utiliser les réseaux sociaux Twitter et Facebook pour échanger avec d’autres contacts, par équipe de jeu ou en groupe.

Adobe Photoshop cc

Adobe Photoshop CC is an image processing software. This application allows to create, modify images. Note that you must register on the Adobe website (Adobe ID) in order to download Photoshop and get the 7-day trial version for free. Additionally, Adobe Air is required to run Photoshop.

With an intuitive user interface, Adobe Photoshop CC makes it easy to create 3D images. Many actions can be performed. For example, you can use commands in context and on the work area to manipulate 3D extrusion cages, change the orientation of a scene or an object, or change the lighting. But it is also possible to merge with a high precision 3D objects in the same scene so that they can interact with the same lights and cameras. In addition, we can animate the set of 3D properties, lights, materials, nets, etc. Through the Animation option, and many more.
Thanks to revolutionary functionality, it is now possible to create exceptional images by easily masking complex elements. The patching function makes it possible to better correct the photographs, that of filling removes part of the image and fills it magically. The Move tool can also move the selected object to another area of ​​the image. Thanks to the deformation function, the repositioning of any element of the image is done impeccably.

The features of this latest version of Adobe Photoshop are still very numerous; Among these is the easy creation of movies. For example, you can quickly and accurately modify video layers, preview and export audio tracks using a one-touch keyboard shortcut. In addition, with a wide range of color models and an optimal result, it is possible to create and retouch images for the video.

Music MP3 Downloader

It sometimes seems difficult to find a specific version of a song. It sometimes takes time and money before you discover it. Music MP3downloader is a music download tool that gives access to all tracks online.

Music MP3 Downloader allows you to download all the music available online. In addition, the application can also pause, resume and schedule MP3 download. The application gives access to over 100 million MP3s. In order to facilitate the search, Music MP3 Downloader provides a box designed for search in which it will suffice to indicate the title of the song or the name of the author. The user will have the possibility to listen to the music as many times as he wishes. You will be spoiled for choice in the selection of music to download. Downloaded MP3 files can also be played from any media. It can be an iPod, iPhone, PSP, PDA, cellular or other. Music MP3 Downloader is not limited to downloading, it also allows to follow the musical news. He suggests listening to the top 100 of the most listened to music in the United States.

Note: This software is available on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

Pokemon go for Android

The Pokémon Go video game is an augmented reality app for Android smartphones like iPhone that beats popularity records. Developed by the studio Niantic, a former affiliate of Google of which Nintendo holds 33%, the free game allows with the camera and the geolocation of your phone to hunt and capture a maximum of small monsters in a parallel world. The launch in France officially took place on July 24, while the action of Nintendo took advantage of its incredible success in the world, leaned against license Pokemon.

Note: The game is available in play store.

Aptoide for Android

Aptoide is an online market displaying free applications reserved for Android devices. To access it, you need to install the APK file that is provided for download.

World's Most Deadly Fidget Spinner! Dangerous Tricks Gone Horribly Wrong


mercredi 19 juillet 2017

لعبة السبينر

احتمال كبير أن تكون عينك وقعت خلال الفترة الماضية على أحد المارة بجوارك في الطريق وهو يسير بشكلٍ مستقيم بينما يمد يديه ويُمسك بذلك الشيء الذي لا يكف عن الدوران، ويُزيد من سرعة دورانه بالإصبع الآخر، لا تستعجب من ذلك فتلك هي ظاهرة Fidget Spinner، التي احتلت العالم في عام 2017.

لعبة "Fidget Spinner" هي عبارة عن جهاز يتكون من ثلاثة محاور أساسية مع موضِع للإصبع ليُمكن اللاعب من تدوير الجهاز من خلاله حول محوره.
أصبحت اللعبة مُتوفرة الآن بالعديد من الأشكال والتصميمات والألوان، بالإضافة لتنوعها فيما بين أن تكون مصنوعة من البلاستيك أو المعدن، إلّا أنّ الشكل الأكثر شيوعًا هو ذلك الذي يمتلك ثلاثة أجنحة، إلّا أنّ الإبداع مُستمر فيها فقد أصبحت الشركات تستغل الأمر فمنها من قد قام بعمل Fidget Spinner على هيئة شعار الرجل الوطواط، أو عبارة عن قوس قزح وغيرها من الأشكال المُتعددة.
- أنواع متعددة وأشكال مختلفة لـFidget Spinner:
ومن الأنواع المُتوفرة أيضًا هي تلك التي تُشع إضاءة بينما تدور، وهي لا تحمل صوتًا سوى في بعض الأحيان والأنواع يكون صوت احتكاك ما أسميه التروس، وهو صوت خفيف يظهر فقط عندما تُركز فيه.
تُباع لعبة Fidget Spinner في جميع أنحاء العالم حاليًا، فأينما تذهب ستجد من يبيعها سواءً على شبكة الإنترنت والمواقع الكُبرى مثل Amazon و eBay، أو في الشوارع والمحلات وتختلف أسعارها بين الدول والمحلات، وتعتمد أيضًا على مادة الصُنع والشكل والشركة المُصنعة، نعم هناك الكثير من الشركات التي تُصنِّع اللعبة وهو ما سنعرف سببه في الأسطر القادمة.
تتراوح أسعار Fidget Spinner بدءًا من دولارٍ واحد وتصل حتى ألف دولار، فمن المُرفهين من يُحبون أن يقتنوها مطليةً بالذهب أو مصنوعةً بالكامل من الذهب أيضًا.